Acrylic painting is an exciting technique that brings spontenaety, creativity and the unknown together... it sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't! In just one painting, many techniques can be employed, to manipulate colours and the very paint itself, to create painings within paintings. The viewer should find, when looking at good acrylic pouring art, that so many parts of the one finished piece are captivating and provoke different interpretations as the eye moves across the canvas. Enjoy the flaws, as they are left in to enhance the authenticity!



Martin Davies

Now rertired, I attended various art schools in my youth, but primarily took on illustration and cartooning as my main interest. Although interested in many styles, my later years have brough me closer to abstract art, and in particular, the fluidity of acrylic pouring which, over time, I have 'tamed' just as much as it controls me when developing a piece of work. I like to provoke images as well as emotions for the viewer, in every part of a single finished piece. Don't think deeply - just enjoy, and see where it takes you.

"Lightening at Sea" (77x77 in antique french frame)