“I was blown away by the quality and beauty of the artwork I purchased from MartinsArt. Each piece is truly one-of-a-kind and adds a unique blend of mood and colour every time I look at it. Within each piece there are multiple pictures and elements."
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Lisieux, France
About us
MartinsArt is a premier destination for original art near Lisieux, France. My passion for acrylic art is to create 'pictures within pictures' that are viewed differently, by different eyes. The blends, shapes and colours capture different moods with an emphasis being on nature's amazing complexities. I like to include, and not to eliminate, imperfections of art.... leaving in the very flaws alongside the beauties of each piece. It is the imperfections of humans that make us unique, and the imperfections in nature that make it so dazzling, and so paintings should (in my view) contain the very imperfections of the moments. If it is a perfect finish that you want, then may I suggest getting a print! 'Welcome to my world of flaws!"